What is going on here? A teenager
with few friends who spends several hours a day, seven days a week surfing
porn sites and does little else but go to school and come home to the computer.
A husband leaving the house to do a quick errand for his wife, but who cannot
resist stopping by the park for quick sex with 3 or 4 men. The young woman
who sleeps with man after man “Looking for Mr. Good Bar.”
These people are all caught up in the national epidemic called sexual
addiction. It has been estimated that as high as 6% of the population is
caught up in this addiction. The figure is even higher when “love addicts”
are added into the mix (i.e., those addicted to love, the high of new romance).
So afraid of their secret getting out…even afraid to share with a therapist,
many struggle in shame and isolation for years. Some seek help on their own
fairly early in their addiction. Others wait till events wake them to the
seriousness of their problem (i.e., being caught by a spouse, getting arrested,
or simply scaring themselves by the risky level they have reached in their
What are the signs? Common signs to look for are: A pattern
of out-of-control behavior; severe consequences due to sexual behavior; inability
to stop despite adverse consequences; preoccupation with sex to the point
that important social, occupational, or recreational activities are neglected;
sex as a coping strategy; persistent pursuit of self-destructive or high-risk
What is the latest? Cybersex Addiction. Today we’re
seeing more and more people sexually addicted in relation to the internet.
It is estimated that as many as 16% of all men who regularly use the internet
are addicted, to one degree or another, to internet sexual acting-out. This
might include viewing pornography, chat rooms, live sex shows, etc., etc.
One frightening aspect of this is that we are seeing younger and younger
people getting addicted (i.e., even as young as 12 to 14 years of age) and
senior citizens who never before in their lives had a problem with out-of-control
sexual behavior.
What are the effects on those who are in relationship with the
addict? Partners often feel hurt, betrayed, rejected, abandoned, somehow
to blame, unattractive, ashamed, lonely, low in self-esteem, and feel treated
as a sex object or the opposite (i.e., their partner is sexual everywhere
else, except with the person whom they are supposed to be having sex). I
believe sexual addiction is a huge contemporary factor in separation and
What causes sex addiction? Sexual addiction can simply be
seen as a coping mechanism (much as alcohol is to the alcoholic, food to
the overeater, etc.). However, as with many mental health issues, the
causes of this addiction are complex. I often see some common themes such
as: abuse in childhood, lack of adequate nurturing as a child, intimacy problems,
depression, anxiety and certain ingrained personality factors. Another significant
contribution is the way men are socialized.
Is there treatment?
The good news is that there is treatment and motivated individuals have
had good success. I help clients learn to get their real needs met in
healthy ways. New ways of coping are learned. Processing old family
issues is often useful. Helping the client to deal with
underlying depression, anxiety, etc., is also important. Twelve-step
around sexual compulsivity are hugely helpful in breaking isolation,
shame, and building support/accountability. I work together with my
to determine the best treatment program for their individual
For more information about Bill Martin, Marriage and Family Therapist,
go to:
Bill C. Martin, M.A., MFT